Monday, October 19, 2009

The best cup of tea you’ll ever relax with…

This tea recipe was a favorite with my patients when I was a student. It tastes good and has several nervine herbs to sooth and relax you. You can brew it up and drink it hot or cold. It also is very high in vitamin C, Magnesium and Calcium. Note that this recipe is for bulk herbs which you mix together in a bag and then can use in a tea ball or make in bulk for batches of tea. If you let us know ahead of time we will order the herbs for you and make it easy!


Lemon balm 3 oz

Oat straw 3 oz

Chamomile 1.5 oz

Spearmint 1.5 oz

Orange peel 1 oz

Lavender 1 oz

Rose hips 0.5 oz

4 Tbs. of herbs in 4 cups of hot water brews 1 quart of tea. Drink 2-3 cups a day.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

10 Tips for a Good Night’s Sleep

Restful sleep helps to keep your heart healthy, prevents cancer, makes you more alert, aids memory function, reduces risk of depression, helps your body make repairs and may even help you lose weight. Most of us would like to sleep soundly and wake refreshed. Ah, if only we could…try some of these tips:
Set and keep a bed time. For maximum benefit, plan to be asleep before 11 and allow for 7-9 hours of rest.
Follow the same bedtime ritual every night.
Engage in a restful activity before bed. Put work, TV programs and Stephen King novels away an hour before bedtime. Let your mind unwind with relaxation techniques, meditation, prayer, soothing music or journaling or other restful activities.
Take a warm bath, shower or sauna before bed.
Wear socks to bed. Cold feet can make your entire body miserable and restless. (See the Warming Sock Treatment posted on my website.)
Avoid before-bed snacks, particularly grains and sugars. Substitute a bit of fruit if you are hungry.
Avoid drugs, alcohol and caffeine.
Exercise during the day.
Reserve your bedroom for sleeping. Condition your mind to think of your bed as a just a place to sleep.
Regulate your natural clock. Getting some sunlight during the day and sleeping in complete darkness helps to regulate your sleep cycle.

If you are still experiencing poor sleep on a regular basis, give me a call. Some physiological issues, such as overactive hormones and adrenal glands, are often the problem. Simple tests and treatments are available.